Business Email Accounts & Service

Professional and Powerful Business Emails

A business email address is a professional email account that includes your company’s domain name, for example, Using a branded business email address not only projects a more professional image but also offers increased trust, stronger brand recognition, and improved communication.

Custom Business Domain

Establish a professional online presence with a custom email address that matches your company name.

Microsoft 365 Outlook

We can set up your access to robust email features, calendaring, and contact management within the familiar Microsoft 365 suite.

Email Migration to Microsoft 365

Seamlessly transfer your existing emails and data from another provider to Microsoft 365 for a smooth transition.

Email Integration

Connect your email email with other applications for a unified workflow, improving efficiency and communication.

Email Support Outsourcing Services

Offload email management tasks like customer support or technical inquiries to a dedicated team, freeing up your internal resources.

Email Service Technical Support

Get expert assistance with troubleshooting email issues, configuration, and security from Connectivity Systems.

Establish Credibility With Custom Business Emails

First impressions matter, and your email address is no exception. A generic address might seem convenient but it can damage your professional image. Potential customers may associate it with spam and disregard your messages. Invest in a custom business email address like to ensure your emails reach their intended recipients.

Confident Email Marketing

Email remains a powerful marketing tool, reaching a wider audience than social media. However, the success of your email campaigns hinges on one key element: a professional business email address. Imagine the difference between receiving a personalized message from versus a generic free email address. A recognizable brand name associated with a legitimate domain builds trust and increases the impact of your campaigns, leading to a better return on investment.

Build Trust With A Company Domain

Imagine calling a company and being greeted with a simple “Hello?” versus a professional “Thank you for calling ABC Company, this is Sarah. How can I help you?” The second option instantly conveys a sense of trust and legitimacy. The same principle applies to email addresses. A generic free email address raises doubts, while a professional address like immediately establishes credibility.

Use Alias Email Addresses

Project professionalism and organization with department-specific email addresses. This not only gives a larger-company impression but also lets you identify email topics at a glance before even opening them. Most business email services allow you to create multiple aliases for each user, streamlining communication and workflow.

Brand Promotion With Custom Business Emails

With a custom domain address, every email you send becomes a mini-billboard for your business, promoting your name and solidifying brand recognition. A custom email address is like a digital business card, keeping your brand at the forefront of every communication, with current and potential customers alike. For impactful and memorable brand promotion, a professional business email is an essential tool.

Increase Website Traffic

Your business email address should appear on social media, business cards, presentations, and marketing materials. By using a domain-based address that matches your website, you create a cohesive brand experience. This not only reinforces professionalism but also subtly encourages website visits for those seeking more information. A consistent brand image, from email to website, builds trust and positions you as a serious player in your field.

Microsoft 365 For Businesses

The Microsoft 365 cloud-based suite of software tools provides everything you need: powerful communication tools, creative design apps, and secure data management. Plus, it offers intelligent cloud services, advanced security, and seamless collaboration features. Work from anywhere, and meet virtually, all while keeping your data and devices protected with built-in security. Microsoft 365 with Outlook delivers a powerful business email solution. 

  • Security
  • Platform migration
  • Spam filtering and malware protection
  • Business applications
  • Cross-device compatibility
  • Backup and storage

IT Support/Help Desk Services

Our support team is available to remotely diagnose your IT problem and quickly find a solution.

Data Backup/Disaster Continuity

We have various plans and techniques for backing up and recovering your data due to human error or natural disasters.

Hardware/Software Procurement

We help source and procure the right hardware that supports the unique needs of small business clients.

Voice Services

We help small business clients choose the right telephone and voice services to support efficient operations.

Cloud Services

We help design and effectively deploy cloud services that best suit your company’s needs.

IT Security

We provide solutions to secure clients’ internal data as well as data stored in the cloud.